Sunday, 28 November 2010

My love - hate relationship with Wetherspoons

Oh Spoons, how I love you, with your "lighter choices" menu so readily available, along with nutritional info for ALL of your food. I can choose my meal by calories: 250 for a chicken and ham salad, 600 for egg and chips, 1,955 for a large mixed grill.

Stop right there. 1,955 CALORIES FOR ONE MEAL?!
The best thing? thats with a jacket potato and salad. It's actually better, calorie wise to opt for the chips at a mere 1,890 cals. Well, thats ok then.

It just makes me ask, WHY? No one  needs that amount of calories in their diet, it is catering to pure gluttony. It makes me annoyed, disgusted and kinda scared.

. I'd much rather have the sweet chilli noodles at 297 calories and 5% fat. Actually, I could eat an entire tub of ben and jerry's and still be better off. Or 9 packets of walkers cheese and onion crisps.

How about a big mac meal? yep, thats less too. Even a small portion of fish and chips would be lower in calories.

Anyway, I digress. But am I the only person who feels that restaurants should have some sort of calorie cap for their main meals? If it's more than 1000 calories, it goes. There must be any number of delicious, lower cal foods they could provide, and I doubt anyone would even notice...


  1. ohgosh i know exactly what you mean! i was looking at spoons menu only last week (i was only there meeting a friend for a cheap cup of tea!) and i was shocked.... it's just sad really how people don't realise what they're really eating. i agree with you -really, how hard is it to produce healthier food than this, even on a mass scale?
    the baked potato should be seen as the healthy option but not when they use tuna with full fat mayo and butter :( gahhhh.... maybe i'm just annoyed as i used to be able to eat there every so often without any fear of worries and now i most certainly couldn't.
    i like your blog :) x

  2. hey, i like your posts on pt :)
    and I'm glad that people agree with me! x

  3. Haha, I was in there the other day, 'trying to eat normally' with my boyfriend, but it is too hard so I'm not going back again. Anyway, I didn't even notice the mixed grill being so many calories, maybe because all i focused in on was the 200-500 ones, but how could I miss that monstrousity?!

    Of course, you are right about the fact that if anything, it could probably work out cheaper to do a healthy meal and noone would be complaining that 1000-odd calories were missing! However, the first thought when seeing this menu was 'this is giving my eating disorder a whale of a time'. There was no way I could chose anything but the lowest calorie options when the numbers where there in front of my eyes, already calculated.


  4. lol @ Alba. It's like putting Gin in front of an alcoholic, they're gonna drink it. Just like I'd always choose the lowest calorie meal!
